Claire and James Hyman organise and donate to special Fundraising Sale for the NHS

"I know that at this time of international crisis, the last thing on people's minds is looking at art, let alone buying it. In my case, one of my daughter's has coronavirus (thankfully mildly) and we are under quarantine and waiting to see if we also catch it. All being well my wife, Claire, will return to her job as a surgeon in a major NHS hospital next week.

Unfortunately, NHS Hospital staff, on the front line in the treatment of patients with Covid-19, are still working without the proper PPE (personal protective equipment), and there remains a shortage of testing kits and ventilators.

As everyone pulls together I have been thinking what I can do. I feel very helpless. What I have done is put together a seelction of photographs from the earliest days of the medium to the present as well as a selection of paintings, drawings, sculpture and prints by Modern British Artists, at reduced prices, and will donate 100% of profits to the NHS." James Hyman, 28 March 2020.




March 30, 2020
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