The Hyman Collection supports the Art Fund's Derek Jarman appeal.

We are pleased to have supported the Art Fund's Derek Jarman appeal and to have acquired Isaac Julien's special boxed set of photographs.


In January 2020 the Art Fund launched a fund to save Derek Jarman's famous Prospect Cottage. Leading artists donated works to help raise the money. The artists included Isaac Julien who created a limited-edition boxed set of five prints. At the end of March 2020 it was announced that the appeal had succeeded in raising the required £3.5 million.

Details: A set of five A3 prints, Dungeness (Prospect Cottage), specially conceived for this edition and in a cloth-bound presentation box with the top print signed by the artist. These photographs, shot on location at Prospect Cottage in 2007, were originally printed as large scale lightbox works and exhibited in Derek Jarman: Brutal Beauty (curated by Isaac Julien at the Serpentine Gallery in 2008). Included in the box is the film Derek (2008) by Isaac Julien, also signed. Limited edition of 35 only.
Press Release. 29 January 2020

Isaac Julien creates a limited-edition boxed set of five prints for Art Fund's Prospect Cottage campaign.

On the windswept shore of Dungeness, visionary British filmmaker, artist and activist Derek Jarman transformed a Victorian fisherman's hut into a sanctuary of art and imagination.

Prospect Cottage and its iconic garden stand testament to Jarman's defiant spirit, and have the potential to inspire artists and visitors long into the future.

As part of Art Fund's #SaveProspectCottage campaign, Isaac Julien has created a set of five A3 prints, Dungeness (Prospect Cottage), specially conceived for this edition and in a cloth-bound presentation box with the top print signed by the artist.

These photographs, shot on location at Prospect Cottage in 2007, were originally printed as large scale lightbox works and exhibited in Derek Jarman: Brutal Beauty (curated by Isaac Julien at the Serpentine Gallery in 2008). Included in the box is the film Derek (2008) by Isaac Julien, also signed. Limited edition of 35.

'Derek Jarman was an inspiration for an entire generation. When I curated his solo show Brutal Beauty at The Serpentine Gallery in 2008 and Tilda Swinton, Colin MacCabe and I created the film Derek, our aim was to preserve and reintroduce his legacy for the new generation. Prospect Cottage was a work of art that has become a National Treasure. As an artist and Art Fund Trustee, I am incredibly excited and moved by this campaign to make Prospect Cottage and its sculpture garden Jarman's most iconic artwork - one to inspire future generations as he did mine.' - Isaac Julien

January 29, 2020
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