Loans to Actually, the Dead are not Dead

Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart
The Hyman Collection is pleased to be a major lender to the group exhibition Actually, the Dead are not Dead. Techniques of Becoming at Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart. The exhibtion is the third and last part of the exhibition series Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead, which was conceived in turn as a continuation of the Bergen Assembly 2019, a triennial for contemporary art in Norway. 

Following the revolt of the bodies (Politics of Life, 29.2.-23.8. 2020) and the political dimensions of the festival (Una forma de ser, 17.10.2020-11.7.2021), the third part revolves on the effects and dynamics of infrastructures. The exhibition explores the institutions, networks, architectures, and logistics both of materialized and immaterial nature, with regard to their entangled relations with the prevailing neoliberal and neocolonial power structures. 

In addition to the museum, the school, the clinic, or the prison- those classical institutions of biopower that philosopher Michel Foucault investigated extensively and consequently has influgenerations if thinkers and artists-the exhibition focuses on infrastructures that enable the global circulation and adminof commodities, currencies, affects, and discourses: social media, computer games, and other systems of so-called smart technologies. It probes how these institutions and systems are entangled with structural forms of sexism, racism, patholo, violence against non-normative and more-than-human bodies, and capitalist extractivsm of recources and living beings. 

The show further reflects on the historical contexts of classi-fying, normalizing, and excluding forms of governing, looking into their histories from the emergence of modern nation-states to the establishment of globally and digitally active economies. 

The invited artists counter these structures and their mechaof exclusion, pathologization, and oppression with aesthetic and activist practices of appropriation, empowerment, and transformation. The philosopher Gilles Deleuze described the act of becoming as a polymorphic and constant process of change and of the affirmation of difference. In this sense, the artists negotiate becoming as site of possibilities and as a technique for exercising autonomy over one's own body, for the development of structures of mutual support and for the formation of counter-publics. 

Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead.
Techniques of Becoming 
16 October 2021 - 2 January 2022 

Techniques of Becoming is based on and was produced in collaboration with Bergen Assembly 2019.

Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart Schlossplatz 2 / Entrance at StauffenbergstraDE - 70173 Stuttgart
T: +49 (0)711 - 22 33 70
F: +49 (0)711 - 22 33 791

Tue - Sun: 11 am - 6 p.m. Wed: 11 am - 8 p.m.
October 22, 2021
of 90