The Caravan Gallery
McDonald's Co-operative Funeral Services, Wolverhampton, 2006
Archival inkjet print on 310 gms paper
31.5 x 42 cms
12 6/16 x 16 8/16 ins
Series: 2. Signs of the Times
extra{ordinary} Photographs of Britain by The Caravan Gallery, touring exhibition 2015 - 2016. Venues: Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland; Impressions Gallery, Bradford; Diffusion Festival, Cardiff; Museum of Lancashire, Preston; Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art; Showcase Gallery, Southampton.Is Britain Great?
extra{ordinary} Photographs of Britain by the Caravan Gallery, The Caravan Gallery, 2015Is Britain Great?
From the edition of 10. 'We discovered this perfect pairing of signs on the edge of a retail park during our residency with Wolverhampton Art Gallery. We love the way...
From the edition of 10.
"We discovered this perfect pairing of signs on the edge of a retail park during our residency with Wolverhampton Art Gallery. We love the way they're so matter of fact and unremittingly cheerful. A fine juxtaposition!"
"We discovered this perfect pairing of signs on the edge of a retail park during our residency with Wolverhampton Art Gallery. We love the way they're so matter of fact and unremittingly cheerful. A fine juxtaposition!"