Kurt Hutton
Patrick O'Leary from "The Silver Lady's Kitchen" (from "They had no Work"), 1938
Vintage Gelatin Silver Print
24.9 x 19.8 cms
9 12/16 x 7 12/16 ins
Series: 3. The Silver Lady's Kitchen. Poverty and Unemployment
Signed on the reverse K. Hutton and inscribed 'Picture Post' London The 14th January 1939 issue of Picture Post magazine included a feature on unemployment entitled 'They Had No Work'....
Signed on the reverse K. Hutton and inscribed "Picture Post" London
The 14th January 1939 issue of Picture Post magazine included a feature on unemployment entitled "They Had No Work". For this article Kurt Hutton took a number of photographs at the Silver Lady's Kitchen in Trafalgar Square, London, where proprietor Betty Baxter (nicknamed 'The Silver Lady' for her donations of a silver sixpence to her many patrons) offered a free meal to the area's homeless.
This is one of a group of strikingly dramatic character studies of the people there, beautifully lit as though by candle or lamp-light. It was part of a featufre in Picture Post that gave a human face to poverty and unemployment.
In Picture Post this work is reproduced reverse as the far left image of a spread of four close-ups of me, presumabky as it worked better on the page to have him looking inwards. It is captioned with the subjects name and with some biographical information:
"He was born in Co. Donegal and has now been in London three years. He has worked in Steel works in Lancashire, in the hotel trade as a waiter. The last crisis was a blessing to him, he dug trenches in the Park. Half the men in the queue are oldish; half young. There are few women."
The 14th January 1939 issue of Picture Post magazine included a feature on unemployment entitled "They Had No Work". For this article Kurt Hutton took a number of photographs at the Silver Lady's Kitchen in Trafalgar Square, London, where proprietor Betty Baxter (nicknamed 'The Silver Lady' for her donations of a silver sixpence to her many patrons) offered a free meal to the area's homeless.
This is one of a group of strikingly dramatic character studies of the people there, beautifully lit as though by candle or lamp-light. It was part of a featufre in Picture Post that gave a human face to poverty and unemployment.
In Picture Post this work is reproduced reverse as the far left image of a spread of four close-ups of me, presumabky as it worked better on the page to have him looking inwards. It is captioned with the subjects name and with some biographical information:
"He was born in Co. Donegal and has now been in London three years. He has worked in Steel works in Lancashire, in the hotel trade as a waiter. The last crisis was a blessing to him, he dug trenches in the Park. Half the men in the queue are oldish; half young. There are few women."