Chris Killip
Rocker and Rosie going home, Seacoal beach, Northumberland, 1984
Vintage Gelatin Silver Print
17 x 22 cms
6 11/16 x 8 10/16 ins
Series: 2. Photographs from In Flagrante (mid 1980s)
Grafika la Estampa, MexicoExhibitions
Observadores: Fotógrafos Da Cena Britdesde 1930 até Hoje, Galeria de Arte do Sesi, Sao Paulo Brazil September 2012, (Another print)
Stamped on the reverse.
British Photography / The Hyman Collection
British Photography / The Hyman Collection
Stamped on the reverse.
British Photography / The Hyman Collection
British Photography / The Hyman Collection