Between 1992 and 1996 Power produced his well-known series, The Shipping Forecast, embarking on an epic tour of the coastlines of Western Europe to photograph all thirty-one locations referenced on BBC Radio 4's Shipping Forecast broadcast.
Capturing visual records of far-flung places most radio listeners will never visit, Power's series challenges imaginative notions (in particular his own) of these far-flung locations.

Power has published seven monographs: The Shipping Forecast (1996), a poetic response to the esoteric language of daily maritime weather reports; Superstructure (2000), a documentation of the construction of London's Millennium Dome; The Treasury Project (2002), about the restoration of a nineteenth-century historical monument; 26 Different Endings (2007), which documents those landscapes unlucky enough to fall just off the edge of the London A-Z, a map which could be said to define the boundaries of the British capital; The Sound of Two Songs (2010), the culmination of his five year project set in contemporary Poland; Mass (2013), an investigation into the power and wealth of the Polish Catholic church; and Die Mauer ist Weg! (2014) a semi-autobiographical tale of chance and choice set against the backdrop of the Berlin Wall.

Mark Power is a member of Magnum Photos and the Professor of Photography at the University of Brighton.